Mohammad Fazlul Azim is a visionary entrepreneur and a pioneer of the Bangladesh Garment Industry. He established the second organized garment factory of Bangladesh on 23 January 1980, which still operates to this day under Azim Group, a multinational holding company which Mr. Azim founded in 1975.
The first factory operating under Azim Denim, known as Global Fashion Garments Ltd, was established by Mr. Azim in 1984 at the location where our sewing factory operates in Savar - Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mohammad Fazlul Azim is a former Senior Vice President of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association.
With over 40 years of experience in garment manufacturing, Mr. Azim is the most seasoned entrepreneur in the Bangladesh Garment Industry’s history. Mr. Azim was awarded IEB Best Entrepreneur medal in 2003 by the institutions of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) in recognition of his meritorious performance and service to the nation.
Mr. Azim has represented Bangladesh in international forum, includings high-level business delegations. Mr. Azim regularly donates to charities, including disaster and emergency reliefs. In 1992, he established an all-female college under his name, known as Prokousholi Mohammad Fazlul Azim Mohila College, in Hatiya Island of Bangladesh.
Mohammad Fazlul Azim is a graduate from the prestigious Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, which he earned in 1965. After graduation, Mr. Azim worked in the automobile industry for nine years at home and abroad before starting his own business.